Refund Policy
Should you become dissatisfied with Justin Mirche Consulting’s product within the first 30 days after purchase, Justin Mirche Consulting will refund the full amount of the purchase if the following two conditions are met:
(1) you provide evidence within the first 30 days after purchase that Justin Mirche Consulting has not provided its product or services to a reasonably practicable standard, or Justin Mirche Consulting has violated the terms of the relationship; and
(2) Justin Mirche Consulting determines in its sole discretion that it has not provided the product or services to a reasonably practicable standard, or Justin Mirche Consulting has violated the terms of the relationship.
If you receive a refund, Justin Mirch Consulting will terminate your access to the Product and Services. Refunds are not available for Customers more than 30 days after a purchase. Refunds are not available for accounts which have violated the terms of the relationship; violations are determined at Justin Mirche Consulting’s sole discretion.
Refunds are not available for Customers that attempt a chargeback for a purchase before or in place of the evidentiary process provided herein. If Justin Mirche Consulting determines that you are abusing our refund policy, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse or restrict any and all current or future use of the product or services without delivering a refund.
To ask a question regarding the 30-day refund policy, email